1. Academic collaboration
1.1 To create partnerships and develop the academic collaborations
1.2 To welcome the institutional parties and visitors from educational institutions and international organizations.
2. Services
2.1 Information service regarding scholarship, training, seminar for staff and students
2.2 Assisting on international documents
2.3 General services to faculties and other offices within the University.
OIR firmly believes in the wisdom of Dr. Sook Pookayaporn, the founder of the University that Education develops human, who will enrich the Nation. As globalization has brought people in the world together, the human is now in fact enriching “global society”. Sripatum University is therefore, actively seeking for and provide opportunities to cooperate with international individuals and overseas institutions in order to synergistically achieve the integrated academic breakthrough.
Through OIR initiatives, Sripatum University has presently signed almost 100 MOUs with different universities and institutions around the world. In addition, we have actively coordinated and advises students, faculties, and staff in matters relating to international projects and scholarships.
Office of International Relations (OIR)‘s commitment to and support of international relations is underscored in our Strategic Plan. We welcome any suggestions you might have and look forward to working with you as we strive to promote the internationalization of our institution.
