
Training Programs

All training curricula were developed based on research findings on capacity building needed to support development programs and projects in the Asia and Pacific region. The program contents were professionally prepared, based on the identified needs, by SPU-ICEC Director who has more than twenty  years of hands-on experiences on planning, designing and conducting trainings for government officials,  NGOs and private sector in the region. Training topics and contents are carefully selected to ensure  relevancy, appropriate and applicability under the participants’ local conditions. Learning activities are  designed to facilitate immediate applications of new knowledge and skills learned.

Training services offered by ICEC can be divided into two categories:

International and Customized programs.

The International Programs are those training courses that were developed in response to the identified needs in the region. Each curriculum is designed to match the best to those needs in terms of both relevancy and applicability. The contents, schedules, and fees are published and advertised, and any qualified individual with funding can participate.After more specific information on background knowledge and interests of the participants are known, the  course contents may be modified to make it more relevant to them.

The Customized Programs are those courses developed and conducted specifically for a given group of participants with contents designed according to the terms of reference of their organization or sponsoring agency. The program is normally initiated by making request to ICEC with details of training needs, expected competencies after training, and general profile of the prospective participants such as job description, education background, working experiences, etc. Through communications and feedbacks, the curriculum is articulately designed and training proposal with costs submitted. The requesting organization decides on training duration and date to conduct the training.

The programs of both categories cover, but are not limited to, the following subject area:
The programs of both categories cover, but are not limited to, the following subject area:

Development Management Program  Program Contents
The program is designed for middle to senior level officials of government agencies, NGOs, and private sectors involved in managing development projects. General themes of the programs focus on strategic development planning, taking all stakeholders into consideration, and how to manage the plan to achieve the desired goals, objectives and impacts to the organization. Modern management techniques such as strategic planning, balanced scorecard, key performance indicators (KPI), benchmarking, results-based management, monitoring and evaluation, etc., and their applications will be the main themes of the program.Part of the program is allocated for the participants’ exposure to real world practices of modern management where they will have opportunities to visit, observe and discuss with projects’ officials employing the techniques discussed in the class.Contents of each training course are described below :



Training Title: DM 01: Development Project Management 
Target Participants: Middle to senior level officials, NGO managers, and executives from development organizations responsible for managing and supervising development projects.
Training Objectives: The course is designed to enhance managerial knowledge and skills of the participants to enable them to formulate the plan strategically and develop systematic mechanism to manage, monitor, evaluate and adjust the plan so that the desired goals and objectives can be effectively achieved.
Training Duration: 3 weeks
Training Schedule: 13 – 31 May 2013
12 – 31 May 2014
Training Fee: US$2,400
Program Contents:
  Module I: Project Planning – Overview of project management cycle; Logic Model analysis; Balanced Scorecard concepts and analysis; environment and stakeholders analysis; problems identifications and formulation of strategic goals and objectives; Key Performance Indicators (KPI) development; project planning workshop.


Module II: Project Management – Roles and responsibilities of development project managers; critical path concept and applications to project management; building a project team; benchmarking, goal setting and management strategies; monitoring and evaluation principles and applications; project impact assessment.

Module III: Case Studies and Study Visits - Case study on successful development projects relevant to responsibilities and interests of the participants. The studies will be followed by field visits to the projects to reinforce classroom learning. The participants, accompanied by resource persons to facilitate learning, will meet with projects hosts and beneficiaries to exchange their views on various aspects and issues of project management.


Training Title: DM 02: Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation 
Target Participants: Middle to senior level officials, managers and executives responsible for managing and supervising development projects.
Training Objectives: The course is designed to provide the participants with knowledge and skills to establish and apply monitoring and evaluation systems to ensure achievement of project’s goals and objectives. Emphasis will be made on rural, agriculture, and infrastructure development projects.
Training Duration: 3 weeks
Training Schedule: 03 – 21 June 2013
02 – 20 June 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,400
Program Contents:
  Module I: Overview of Project Management Process – Principles of results-based management; logic model and logical framework analysis; stakeholders and problems analysis; planning and conducting baseline study; case discussions on logframe of development projects funded by international organizations.


Module II: Monitoring and Evaluation Tools and Techniques –Overview of M&E system development process; outcome mapping techniques; developing project performance indicators; performance measurements; monitoring process and techniques; evaluation process and techniques; planning and design of M&E data collection; data analysis and reporting; utilizing of M&E results.

Module III: Case Studies and Field Visits – Case studies on M&E of development projects implemented by local and international organizations and best practices of such projects. Discussions with project host and beneficiaries on problems and issues of the M&E system and project impacts.


Training Title: DM 03 Strategic Planning Training Workshop
Target Participants: Middle to senior level officials, divisional heads/directors, administrators, NGO managers, and planners responsible for formulating and implementing development plans of their organizations.
Training Objectives: The training workshop is designed to provide working knowledge on development process and practical experiences of this powerful management tool to enable the participants to develop strategic plan for their own organizations.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 01 – 12 July 2013
30 June – 11 July 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,000
Program Contents:
  Module I: Workshop Theme Setting – Strategic planning process; workshop agenda and output setting; group discussions and brainstorming procedures; logical framework and performance measures; key success factors in developing and implementing strategic plan; strategic plan report and institutionalization.


Module II: Strategic Planning Workshop – Strategies in organizational development; review of organization’s missions and goals; environmental scan and SWOT analysis; balanced scorecard analysis; formulating and updating missions and visions; setting strategic goals and objectives; developing action plans and key performance indicators; implementing, monitoring, evaluating and controlling of the plan.

Module III: Case Studies - Case studies of strategic plan components and success plan implemented by government agencies, NGOs and private sector.


Training Title: DM 04: Results-based Management 
Target Participants: Middle to senior level officials, planner and decision makers responsible for planning, managing and supervising development projects.
Training Objectives: This topic is designed to enable the participants to plan and develop strategies for implementing results-based management system to ensure that the expected outcomes or results will be effectively achieved.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 15 – 26 July 2013
21 July – 01 August 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,000
Program Contents:
  Module I: Overview – Overview of Results-based Management (RBM) concepts and methodology; planning for RBM system.


Module II: Developing RBM System – Organizational missions and strategic performance objectives; stakeholders’ analysis; problems identification and development prioritization; logic model and logical framework analysis; establishing results-based performance indicators and measurement systems.

Module III: Implementing RBM System – Benchmarking, goal setting and action plan development; performance accountability management; monitoring and evaluation system; performance data collection and evaluation; establishing and maintaining RBM program.

Module IV: Case Studies – Case studies of RBM systems being implemented in government agencies, NGOs and private sector; meet managers/administrator responsible for implementing the system to reinforce understanding of this powerful management tool through in-depth discussions on problems and issues related to implementation of this tool.


Training Title: DM 05: Strategic Management of Human Capital 
Target Participants: Middle to senior level HRD officials and managers, administrators and executives of public sectors, NGOs and private organizations.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to impart the participants with knowledge on how to manage aligning and developing human capital with the current and emerging strategic organization’s missions and goals.
Training Duration: 3 weeks
Training Schedule: 02 – 20 September 2013
01 – 19 September 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,400
Program Contents:
  Module I: Workforce Planning and Deployment – Principles of HRM; analyzing and designing jobs; recruiting, screening and selecting process; orientation training; position classifications and career management.


Module II: Managing Human Capital – Roles, tasks and competencies of HR managers; HR scorecard; strategic alignment of human resources; capacity development planning; managing training transfer; HR management information system.

Module III: Performance Management – Workforce and organization competencies analysis; performance standards and goals setting; designing and implementing competency development system; performance appraisal management; total quality management.

Module IV: Case Studies – Case studies on human resources management systems of government agencies, public enterprises and private sector; meet HR managers of successful organizations to discuss their roles in the organizations and how they managed their human resources.


Training Title: DM 06: Capacity Building for Organizational Development 
Target Participants: Middle to senior level officials, HR managers, administrators and executives of public sector, NGOs and private organizations.
Training Objectives: This course is designed to impart knowledge to the participants on approaches and strategies to develop and enhance capabilities of their staff and the organization.
Training Duration: 3 weeks
Training Schedule: 03 September – 18 October 2013
29 September – 17 October 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,400
Program Contents:
  Module I: Organizational Capacity Building - Roles and responsibilities of HRD manager in organization; HRD and organizational development goals and objectives; HR Scorecard; training needs identification and assessment; developing training objectives and HRD plan; knowledge management.


Module II: HRD Skills for Supervisors/Managers – Career development planning; coaching, counseling and on-the-job training; training transfer management; monitoring and evaluating training effectiveness; planning and managing organizational change; HRD skills development workshop.

Module III: Case Studies and Field Visits – Case studies of successful capacity building programs/projects of private sector, government agencies and NGOs; visits to meet, discuss and exchange experiences with managers to learn how their successful capacity building programs were developed and implemented; key success factors in developing and implementing capacity building programs, etc.


Training Title: DM 07: Supervisory Skills for Mid-career Managers 
Target Participants: Middle level officials and managers of public sector, NGOs and private sector.
Training Objectives: The course is design to enhance knowledge and skills of supervisors and managers who have some management experiences but have not received management training. The course is designed to prepare them for career advancement by becoming highly effective managers in their organizations.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 28 October – 08 November 2013
03 – 14 November 2014
Training Fee: US$2,000
Program Contents:
  Module I: Essential Skills for Supervisors – Roles, tasks and required competencies of supervisor and manager; job and career planning skills; communication and counseling to team members; effective time management techniques; running group meeting; team building; planning and managing changes; conflict management; effective problem solving and decision making techniques.


Module II: Performance Management – Performance standard and goal setting; motivation for maximum team performance; effective delegation techniques; capacity building for individual and team performance; performance appraisal.

Module III: Case Studies and Field Visits – Case studies on supervisory skills development for managers of highly effective organizations. Meet and discuss with supervisors and managers on what and how the skills development were programmed during their career, etc.


Training Title: DM 08: Strategic Management of Rural Poverty Alleviation Projects 
Target Participants: Middle to senior level officials, extension officials and NGO managers responsible for managing and supervising rural development and poverty alleviation projects.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to enhance knowledge and analytical skills of the participants on characteristics and root causes of poverty and how to formulate poverty alleviation programs and projects strategically.
Training Duration: 3 weeks
Training Schedule: 11 – 29 November 2013
17 November – 04 December 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,400
Program Contents:
  Module I: Overview on Poverty – UN Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and Indicators; Asia’s poverty characteristics; basic minimum needs criteria and poverty indicators.


Module II: Strategic Planning for Poverty Alleviation – Environmental and stakeholder analysis; tools and techniques for problem identifications; participatory poverty assessment; project identification and planning; formulating strategic goals and objectives; benchmarking and goals setting; logic model and logical framework analysis; developing key performance indicators; monitoring and evaluation.

Module III: Poverty Alleviation Approaches - Farming systems for small holders; rural micro-credit development and management; off-farm income generation; SME and poverty reduction; education and health programs for the poor; government policy on employment and poverty reduction.

Module IV: Case Studies and Field Visits – Case studies of poverty alleviation programs and projects implemented by local organizations, NGOs and private sectors; visit to best practices of poverty alleviation and community development projects such as saving and loan group; community cooperatives; food processing; integrated farm; mini and micro-scale aquaculture, etc.


Training Title: DM 09: Public Procurement and Contract Administration 
Target Participants: Middle to senior level procurement officials, Government Project Managers and Directors.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to enhance knowledge of the participants on procurement principles and process and contract administration of public sector aiming at creating transparency, competitiveness, and value for money and also current practices through e-procurement.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 04 – 15 February 2013
03 – 14 February 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,000
Program Contents:
  Module I: Public Procurement – Overview of procurement principles, processes and techniques; procurement value for money; e-procurement processes and techniques; evaluation of tender documents; ethics and legal aspects of procurement.


Module II: Contract Administration – Legal framework for contract administration; awarding and accepting of goods, works and services; monitoring and evaluation of works performed by contractors; contract dispute management.

Module III: Case Studies and Field Visits – Case studies of Thai public procurement systems and processes; contract dispute management; study visit to e-procurement service provider and observe on-going bidding process; field visit to construction projects to meet and discuss with project manager on construction contract administration, monitoring and evaluation system for quality and progress of works, etc.



Infrastructure Engineering and Management Program 
Program Contents 
The program is designed for middle to senior level engineers responsible for planning, implementing or supervising infrastructure development works. The program intends to introduce recent technology appropriate to developing countries in the region, and project development and management concepts where sustainability is equally important.



Training Title: IM 01: Construction Planning and Management 
Target Participants: Middle to senior level engineers, executive engineers and construction project managers responsible for managing and supervising infrastructure development projects.
Training Objectives: The course is designed to enhance knowledge and skills of the participants to enable them to plan and implement their construction works effectively. They will learn how to schedule construction activities, monitor quality and progress of works, and administer contract to achieve the desired completion schedule and standard quality of works.
Training Duration: 3 weeks
Training Schedule: 16 September – 04 October 201315 September – 03 October 2014
Training Fee: US$2,400
Program Contents:
  Module I: Construction Planning – Overview of construction management; construction planning concepts and methods; project management software and its applications to construction planning; hands-on practices on construction planning using Project Management software.


Module II: Construction Administration – Construction contract administration; monitoring and evaluation of work output and schedule; construction claims and litigation; health and safety at construction site.

Module III: Quality Management in Construction Works –Standard specifications for civil works; recent construction techniques for earth and concrete works; quality control and verification; construction supervisions.

Module IV: On-site Studies and Field Visits – Field visits for on-site studies on: modern construction techniques; field quality control management; work progress monitoring and contract administrations of building and infrastructure development projects such as school/office buildings, water resources structures, roads and bridges, etc. The projects will be selected such that they will be relevant to responsibilities and interests of the participants.


Training Title: IM 02: Road and Bridge Maintenance Management 
Target Participants: Middle to senior level road engineers, local government officials and managers responsible for developing and maintaining road network in rural areas.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to enable the participants to develop maintenance management system and apply the right techniques for maintenance of road network and bridges. The program will emphasize rural roads with bituminous/asphalt pavement and unpaved gravel/laterite roads.
Training Duration: 3 weeks
Training Schedule: 21 October – 08 November 2013
20 October – 07 November 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,400
Program Contents:
  Module I: Maintenance Management System – Overview of road and bridge maintenance problems and needs; maintenance management planning and information systems.


Module II: Bridge Maintenance – Bridge deficiency assessment tools and techniques; maintenance and repair methods for concrete elements; maintenance and repair methods for steel members, super and substructures.

Module III: Road Maintenance – Condition assessment of bituminous and asphalt pavement; pavement maintenance/rehabilitation techniques; common problems and strategies for maintenance of earth and gravel roads; surface treatment techniques for low-volume roads; slope maintenance and slide restoration techniques.

Module IV: On-site Studies and Field Visits – Case studies of road and bridge problems and maintenance methods; on-site studies on different types of surface deficiencies and maintenance techniques; application of geosynthetics for improving soil strength in roadway design and maintenance; maintenance and restoration of side slope.


Training Title: IM 03: Rural Infrastructure Development Planning and Management 
Target Participants: Middle to senior level local government engineers, executive engineers and managers responsible for developing and supervising infrastructure development projects.
Training Objectives: The course is designed to enhance knowledge and skills of the participants on planning, development and management of rural infrastructure projects including small-scale water resources, water supply, rural roads and community buildings, etc.
Training Duration: 3 weeks
Training Schedule: 02 – 20 December 2013
08 – 26 December 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,400
Program Contents:
  Module I: Project Planning – Planning process for rural infrastructure development; socio-economic aspects of rural infrastructure development; beneficiary participation on planning, development and management of the projects.


Module II: Small-Scale Water Resources Project – Basic planning and design considerations; types, standard design and their limitations; operation and maintenance management.

Module III: Community Water Supply – Basic planning and design considerations; small-scale treatment methods and systems; pumps and water distribution system; project operation and maintenance management.

Module IV: Rural Roads – Basic planning and design consideration; standard design and construction of low volume roads; maintenance techniques and management.

Module V: Community Building – Basic planning and design considerations; standard designs for public buildings and their applications.

Modules VI: On-site Study – Field visit to the sites where different infrastructures are being developed or completed to observe the design, construction techniques, discuss with the local government officials and beneficiaries to learn the development and management process from their experiences.


Training Title: IM 04: Pumping and Water Distribution Systems Design
Target Participants: Local government engineers, water supply engineers, and irrigation and drainage engineers.
Training Objectives: The course is designed to enhance knowledge and skills of engineers involved in planning, designing, and managing pumping works to enable them to make the right selection and installation of pumps for their specific project purposes and including its operation and maintenance management.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 11 – 22 February 2013
10 – 21 February 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,000
Program Contents:
  Module I: Project Planning for Pumping Works – Basic Planning Considerations for water supply, irrigation and drainage projects; economic analysis for the choices of investment.


Module II: Pump Technology – Classification of pumps; net positive suction heads; Affinity Laws; heads on pumps and system head curve; series and parallel operations; pump characteristic curves; selection of pump and accessories; pump house and sump design; pump operation and maintenance.

Module III: Piping Systems – Pipe selection and design; pipe accessories and installation; water hammer prevention.

Module IV: Field Studies – Field visits to manufacturers and dealers of pumps, pipes, valves and accessories to observe various types of pumping system accessories available in the market. Visit pumping stations and water supply treatment plant to observe how different pump types and accessories are being used in the system.

Education and Training Program

Program Contents

This program is designed to enhance knowledge and skills of trainers and educators on current development and trend related to basic and vocational education, strategic human resources development and capacity building in organizations, and education management practices.Contents of each course in this program are given below :



Training Title: ET 01: Training of Trainers 
Target Participants: Trainers, training organizer, human resources development managers and executives.
Training Objectives: The training course is designed to provide the participants with knowledge and skills to effectively plan, design, and deliver training sessions, and including managing training projects.
Training Duration: 3 weeks
Training Schedule: 07 – 25 January 2013
06 – 24 January 2014
Training Fee: US$2,400
Program Contents:
  Module I: General Knowledge – Functions and competencies of trainers in an organization; training process and its significance.


Module II: Planning Skills for Trainers – Aligning trainings to organizational goals and objectives; problems identification and training needs assessment (TNA); specifying training objectives and curriculum development; planning and organizing training programs; training evaluation and follow-up; TNA workshop.

Module III: Training Delivery and Management – Learning theories and adult-learning principles; managing learning environment; lesson plan development; presentation techniques; preparing presentation materials; group facilitation and problem solving techniques; group discussions on training delivery performances.

Module IV: Training Delivery Practices – Each participant will be requested to prepare training plan and deliver a 15 minute training on the subject that he/she is well familiar with. Resource persons will observe and provide feedback on how to improve the presentation.

Module V: Field Visits – Visit to training divisions and centers of government agencies and private sector to observe the facilities and discuss the roles of trainers in the organization; nature of training courses being offered; observe the on-going training activities, etc.


Training Title: ET 02: Strategic Management of Training Centers 
Target Participants: Senior trainers, Director of training center, and human resources managers.
Training Objectives: The course is designed to enable the participants to plan and manage training institutions to effectively support strategic goals and objectives of the organization.
Training Duration: 3 weeks
Training Schedule: 21 January – 08 February 2013
20 January – 07 February 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,400
Program Contents:
  Module I: Strategic Planning of a Training Center –Organizational structure and functions of a training center; reviewing and aligning the center’s missions and goals; environmental scan and SWOT analysis; organizational and individual training needs analysis; strategic training planning for the center and the organization; key performance indicators of the center; monitoring and evaluation.


Module II: Training Center Management – Center personnel, job descriptions and required competencies; training center budgeting and costing training courses; training facilities and equipment management; planning and organizing training courses.

Modules III: Quality Assurance Management – Fundamental of total quality management; training process quality standard and control; trainer qualifications, selection criteria and performance appraisal; training evaluation and follow-up; training transfer planning and management.

Module IV: Field Visits – Visit to training center of government agencies and private sector to observe the facilities; discuss the functions of the Center and trainers in the organization; nature of training courses being offered; observe on-going training activities.


Training Title: ET 03: Decentralized Education Management 
Target Participants: Principals, school district directors and administrators, education policy makers and executives.
Training Objectives: The course is designed to provide the participants with knowledge on current trend of education administration with particular emphasis on primary and secondary levels and how to manage effectively under the decentralized system.
Training Duration: 3 weeks
Training Schedule: 04 – 22 March 2013
03 – 21 March 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,400
Program Contents:
  Module I: Education Administration System – Review of basic education systems and lessons learned from decentralized management in the Asia and Pacific region; roles of school leadership, management committee and PTA and community in school management; country experiences sharing among participants on the strengths and weakness of the system and how to improve school performance.


Module II: School Management Development – Development of school vision, missions and strategic goals under decentralized management setting; action plan development and prioritization; key performance indicators; competencies and capacity building for school personnel; quality control and academic performance management; school environment management.

Module III: Case Studies and School Visits – Case studies of decentralized basic education system of Thailand; visit to school district offices to discuss with Directors and officials on decentralized management and opportunities for development; advantages and limitations; participation from local intellectuals and PTA in school management. Visit to schools to observe the facilities, environment and students. Meet and discuss with the principal and teachers on their view and impacts of decentralization on school management, education quality control and management, etc.


Training Title: ET 04: School Quality Management
Target Participants: Principals, school district directors and administrators, education policy makers and executives.
Training Objectives: The course is designed to provide the participants with knowledge on education philosophy and quality criteria, and how to establish quality assurance and management systems at school and school district levels.
Training Duration: 3 weeks
Training Schedule: 17 June – 05 July 2013
16 June – 04 July 2014
Tuition Fee: US$2,400
Program Contents:
  Module I: Education Philosophy and School Quality Criteria –Education philosophy and stakeholder perspectives on school quality; national criteria, standard and measures for school quality; developing quality criteria and standard for school.


Module II: School Quality Assurance Management – Quality assurance concepts and management and its applications to school system; planning and preparing for school quality assurance; key school performance indicators; benchmarking and goal setting; quality improvement process and management; monitoring, evaluation and control; roles of parents, local intellectuals and community in school quality improvement.

Module III: School Visits – Visit to schools with established quality assurance system to learn from their experiences on planning, preparing and implementing the system; problems and issues related to the development; roles of PTA and community on school quality management, etc.


Seminar Cum Study Visit Program

 Program Contents


The program is designed to provide participants with opportunities to study the best practices of on-going projects being implemented by government agencies, NGOs and private sector on the subject areas that Thailand has been recognized as the leader.

The program activities start with classroom discussions on key concepts, approaches and practices related to the topical subject, then on background of the projects to be visited and key learning points of each place. The participants will be required to record what they observed and learned at each visit and assess the appropriateness for adopting the ideas or practices. They will meet project officials as well as the beneficiaries for in-depth discussion on problem and issues related to implementation of the project. At the end of the program the participants will select ideas or practices that, in their view, are best for adoption under their local conditions and prepare action plans to implement them soon after returning to their workplaces.

List of topics for seminar cum study visit programs are listed below :

Agriculture Topics

Training Title: ST: 01 Effective Agricultural Extension Practices 
Target Participants: Agricultural extension and rural/community development officials, and NGOs’ personnel responsible for transferring new technologies to farmers.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to impart knowledge on agricultural extension approaches and to expose the participants to different types of agricultural technology transfer methods effectively used by agricultural extension agency, university’s research centers, NGOs and private agribusiness company.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 25 February – 08 March 2013
24 February – 07 March 2014
Training Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar – Overview of agricultural extension in South and Southeast Asia; planning, designing and implementing effective extension programs; agricultural extension practices by government and private sector in Thailand.


Module II: Field visits

• Visit extension offices, research stations, demonstration farms of government and private agribusiness company, and agricultural technology transfer centers to learn the policy and strategies for agricultural development and technology transfer approaches.

• Visit leading commercials farms, focusing on horticultural and high value crops, to understand the nature of technological support needs for commercial farming. Discuss with the manager on farm management practices and technical supports received from extension agencies and university, tour to observe the farm layout and facilities.

• Visit small holders whose farm sizes are not large enough for large-scale commercial production, to learn farming system successfully operated under this condition, management approaches and technical support needed for this group of farmers.

• Visit other supporting facilities and system that help the farmers such as central market for agricultural produces, agricultural cooperatives, bank of agriculture and agricultural cooperatives, etc.

Debriefing, discussions and making critical assessment on the choices of extension approaches under the participants’ local conditions and how to convert subsistence farming to commercial farming.


Training Title: ST 02: Production and Marketing Management of Horticultural Crops 
Target Participants: Horticulturalists, extension officials, commercial farm managers, and development workers.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to impart knowledge to the participants on commercial farming and marketing management of selected horticultural crops commonly available in the region. The visit program will provide them with exposures to observe and acquire knowledge of the whole process from farming to marketing of the crops.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 16 – 26 April 2013
16 – 27 April 2014
Tuition Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar – Commercial production of horticultural crops: scheduling, quality standard, consumer preferences; off-season production techniques of selected fruits; orchid and ornamental plants production.


Module II: Field Visits

• Visit research stations of tropical fruits such as durian, rambutan, mango, sweet tamarind, guava, etc. for updated information on research and development of fruit varieties for quality standards demanded by local and international consumers.

• Visit commercial fruit farms to discuss and exchange experiences with the farm owners on farming practices and management such as off-season production, irrigation techniques, fertilization and pests management, post-harvest management, grading, packaging and transportation; preservation and processing of the surplus and defects; marketing channel and system, etc.

• Visit orchid and ornamental plant farms to observe and discuss with the owners/managers on farming practices and management, investment costs, marketing of the produces to local and international markets, problems and issues related to quality standard demand by consumers; tour of the farm.

• Visit commercial vegetable farms with similar discussion as with other crops.

• Debriefing and discussions on problems and issues related to production and marketing of horticultural crops, key success factors in developing commercial-scale production and marketing system in the participants’ countries.


Training Title: ST 03: Preservation/Processing of Fruits and Vegetables 
Target Participants: Agricultural extension and rural development officials, food scientists and NGOs’ personnel.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to expose the participants to different methods for preserving and processing of fruits and vegetables that are commonly plentiful in south and Southeast Asian countries. The preserving and processing techniques will be focused on produces available in the participants’ countries and the methods appropriate for women groups or small community income generation programs.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule : 27 May – 07 June 2013
26 May – 06 June 2014
Tuition Fee : US$1,800
Program Contents :
  Module I: Seminar – Tropical fruits and vegetables properties and their preservation/processing procedures; packaging of preserved/processed products; technology and equipments; quality control and sanitation.


Module II: Field Visits

• Visit university and government agency’s food research centers to be briefed on the products and on-going development being carried out aiming at income generating activities of rural people. Visit and observe facilities and equipment for the development; demonstration on appropriate processing techniques being developed; discuss on technology transfer to producers and marketing issues of the products, etc.

• Visit food preservation and processing facility of women groups and community income generation programs. Briefing on the development initiative, financial requirements and source of funding, marketing of the products, production process, packaging, shelf life, problems and issues related to the activities, etc. The site of visit will be selected such that raw materials for the product are also commonly available in the participants’ countries.

• Visit marketing outlet of the preserved/processed foods. Observe the prices, packaging and discuss with the vendors on unit costs, sale prices and marketability of the product.

• Debriefing and discussions on problems and issues related to initiation and development of system for production and marketing of the preserved/processed products and assessment for adoption of similar practices.


Training Title: ST 04: Sustainable Farming Systems for Small Landholders
Target Participants: Agricultural extension and rural/community development officials and agriculturists.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to impart knowledge and provide the participants with exposure to various types of sustainable farming systems successfully implemented by small to medium farm holders in various parts of the country and including organic farming that farmers can demand higher price from the consumers.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 24 June – 05 July 2013
16 – 27 June 2014
Tuition Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar – Concepts of farming sustainability; farming systems and their applicability requirements; integrated crops and crop-fish-livestock system models; organic farming system.


Module II: Field Visits

• Visit model farms promoted by the government. Discuss with the hosts on the design concept, needed agronomic and topographic conditions, investment costs and expected farm incomes, ingredients for success of such system, and performances of the recommended systems, etc.

• Visit the farmers who adopted the farming systems introduced by the government to discuss advantages and limitation of the adopted system; investment costs and labor requirements, activities and incomes as compared to their former traditional systems; observe the farm layout, activities and management.

• Visit farms with different design concepts including those with integrate herbal crops-native fruits and vegetables; fish-livestock-crops system; successful intensive system in less than a quarter hectare farm; organic farms; production and utilization of Effective Microorganism (EM), etc.

• Debriefing and discussions on strength, weakness of different types of farming systems that the participants visited, its ingredient for success; critical assessment on conditions for adopting these systems, etc.


Training Title: ST 05: Small-scale Agribusiness Development and Management 
Target Participants: Agricultural extension and rural/community development officials, NGO and development workers
Training Objectives: The program is designed to impart technical knowledge and exposures to the participants on planning and management of small-scale agribusiness development aiming at generating employment and alleviating poverty in rural area. Program contents will be adjusted to make it more relevant to the types of commodities and interests of the participants
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 18 – 29 November 2013
17 – 28 November 2014
Tuition Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar – Overview of development planning for small-scale agribusiness development; enabling policy and supports for agribusiness development; capacity building and networking of actors (input suppliers, farmers, traders, processors, service providers, etc).


Module II: Field Visit

• Visit government offices and financial institutions to share the experiences of Thailand on policy and strategy for small-scale agribusiness development; their roles in supporting the policy, assessments of the roles of each actor toward successful agribusiness development; problems and issues related to the development, etc.

• Visit successful commercial farms to discuss and exchange experiences with the owners on farming practices and management such as contract-farming, off-season production, irrigation techniques, fertilization and pests management, post harvest management, grading, packaging and transportation; preservation and processing of the surplus and defects; marketing channel and system, etc.

• Visit agricultural processing operators to discuss on problems and issues related to production and marketing operations; associations and networking to empower the sector; training, technical support and facilities needed to add value and profit to their operations; lessons learned from the successes and failures of their colleagues, etc

• Visit the fresh and processed produces outlets and market facilities to meet and discuss with the traders, wholesaler and retailers, to learn their business operations and relationship with producers down to consumers – pricing, packaging, transportation and storage, quality demanded by the consumers, etc

• Debriefing and discussions on problems and issues related to small-scale agribusiness development and management, key success factors in developing small-scale agribusiness system in the participants’ countries, etc.


Rural Development Topics 

Training Title: ST 11: Rural Credit and Poverty Alleviation 
Target Participants: Rural/community development officials, rural credit managers, and NGOs’ personnel
Training Objectives: The course is designed to impart the participants with knowledge and exposures to various forms of successful community credit and micro-finance management systems. They will learn the approaches and strategies which enable the poor to have access to low interest capital needed to initiate annual farming and other poverty reduction activities
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 25 March – 05 April 2013
24 March – 04 April 2014
Tuition Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar – Poverty analysis in South and Southeast Asia ; UN and other development agencies’ strategies for poverty alleviation; saving and credit systems for the poor in Thailand.


Module II: Field Visits

• Visit Government Saving Bank and the Bank of Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives to discuss with the managers on the Banks’ policy, strategies and lending procedures for urban and rural poor; loan repayment performance; issues on asset and personal collateral; deferment of payment, etc.

• Meet the Village Committee who manages the Government’s Revolving Fund to discuss on fund management – management committee, terms and conditional for entitlement, past performance on using the fund and repayment performance, problem and issue related to fund.

• Visit community cooperatives to meet and discuss with the manager and committee members on its operation and services – the source of operating capital and income; credit, loan and dividend to member, services on collecting and selling farm produces; services to the committee, problems and issues on its operation, etc.

• Visit Community Saving and Loan Group where members commit savings on monthly basis and the accumulated capital is used for lending to its individual or group of members as investment in income generating activities such as food processing, handicraft making, etc. The system is owned and operated totally by the members. Meet and discuss with the group members on how the system was developed and performed.

• Debriefing and discussions on the strategies of poverty alleviation through various forms of micro-credits using government and private fund; critical analysis for adopting those approaches in the participants’ countries.


Training Title: ST 12: Development and Promotion of Rural Products
Target: Participants: Local government administrator, planner, development project officers and managers, and NGOs’ personnel.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to impart knowledge and provide exposure on Thailand ‘s national strategies for handicraft and art developmental for rural community income generation and capacity building. The policy was developed based on concepts successfully implemented in Japan . This income generation program through rural products development and marketing has been found to be highly successful in Thailand and attracted attentions of many countries in the region.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 04 – 15 November 2013
03 – 14 November 2014
Tuition Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar – Historical background on policy and strategies for Thailand ‘s “One Tambon One Product” or “OTOP”; product development, quality rating and promotion strategies; success and shortcoming stories of OTOP.


Module II: Field Visits

• Visit government agencies and centers responsible for product development and training as well as providing technical guidance to the villagers – Bureau of Cottage Handicraft Industries Development; Industrial Promotion Center; Ceramic Development Center, etc., to discuss on product development, design and technology transfer to the producers; visit and observe the product being developed in the workshop; promotion of creativity and quality improvement among the producers.

• Visit the OTOP product development groups – garment: handicraft and clothing, bags, souvenirs; bamboo: handbags, baskets, etc.; wood: wood carving, toys, art items; ceramic product; etc., to observe the production process and finished product; discuss with the group member on development process, problems and issues related to team building, production and marketing, financial management, etc.

• Visit marketing outlets and promotion facility for local and international customers.

• Visit food and snack processing groups that are also a part of the OTOP program but focusing more on local consumers products made popular as gifts. Meet the producers, observe the production and packaging; discuss with the group on product development, packaging, and marketing channel; technical support provided by the government.

• Debriefing and discussions on the development strategies and ingredients for success for such program; critical assessment for adoption of similar development in the participants’ countries.


Training Title: ST 13: Community Health and Management Information System 
Target Participants: Public health officials and administrators, rural development officials, planners and NGOs
Training Objectives: The program is designed to impart knowledge on policies, strategies and management information system of Thailand public health system from community to provincial levels. The participants will be provided with exposures to public health system and infrastructure and opportunities to discuss with health officials at all levels and including health volunteer members
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 16 – 27 December 2013
15 – 26 December 2014
Tuition Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar - Public health and management system of Thailand ; Universal Healthcare System and its implementation; contagious diseases surveillance and control system; public health volunteer and management at grass root level.


Module II: Field Visits

• Visit the Department of Health to meet the officials and discuss on policies and strategies of Thailand’s health system at the national down to village level; Universal Healthcare System; diseases surveillance and control such as HIV/AIDS, Avian flu, etc.

• Visit provincial public health office for briefing on public health infrastructure from primary to tertiary level, management systems and services at various levels within the province; infrastructure, public health and medical personnel and services at villages, sub-districts, districts and provincial levels; implementation Universal Healthcare Program;  for senior citizen; maternity program; system for monitoring and control of contagious diseases.

• Visit to provincial and district hospitals to meet and discuss with hospital personnel on staff and service capabilities of the hospital, Gold Card System and fee charged to patients; service transfer system from primary to tertiary level, etc.

• Visit public health stations to meet the station head and discuss on the services provided by the station; preventive, curative and rehabilitation program being done at the station; public health management information system at the station level; relationship between public health volunteer and the health station, etc

• Visit public health volunteer chairperson and members to discuss on her roles and responsibilities as a health volunteer personnel; incentive and motive for being a volunteer, etc.

• Debriefing and discussions on the strength and weakness of the system. The participants will make critical analysis and assess if any ideas or practices can be adapted under the participants’ local conditions.


Training Title: ST 14 : Participatory Rural Infrastructure Development and Management
Target Participants: Local government administrators, engineers and managers responsible for developing and overseeing rural infrastructure development program and projects.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to broaden perspectives of the participants on various aspects of rural infrastructure development processes particularly those that would lead to project sustainability. The project types that will be discussed and visited include rural road, water supply, water resources for agriculture, electricity, etc.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 18 February – 01 March 2013
17 February – 28 March 2014
Tuition Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I : Seminar – Conceptual framework for rural infrastructure development planning; stakeholder’ s analysis; participatory planning; formulating beneficiaries’ institution for operation and maintenance management of the project, etc.


Module II : Field Visits

• Visit to local government and other agencies responsible for planning and implementing rural infrastructure development to learn from their experience on the policy and strategies of Thai government for rural infrastructure development; the processes from project initiation to implementation and transfer of ownership; the problems and issues related to management transfer and on operation and maintenance, etc.

• Visit to rural road projects, both under construction and completed, to meet and discuss with the beneficiaries on project initiation – their roles on route selection, design, construction, and maintenance; how the road contributed to enhancement of local economy and quality of life and sustainability of the project in their perspective, etc. Meet and discuss with the Project Engineer (for under construction project) on design criteria and construction techniques, etc.

• Visit to community water supply and water for agriculture projects. Meet and discuss with the beneficiaries and community leader on background of the community and the quality of life before and after project; their roles on project initiation, operation and maintenance of the system; roles of the responsible agencies in providing technical and material/ financial support to the project; the outstanding benefit and set-back of the project they observed, etc.

• Visit to other rural infrastructure projects, to be selected according to the needs and interests of the prospective participants.

• Debriefing and discussions on the lessons learned, problems and issues related to transferring of management responsibilities to the beneficiaries and the project’s sustainability; the advantages and limitations of various operation and maintenance management models, the model that would be best for specific group of participants will be discussed.


Infrastructure Development and Management Topics 

Training Title: ST 21: Construction Techniques and Management Practices 
Target Participants: Civil engineers, executive engineers and managers of infrastructure development projects.
Training Objectives: The programs is designed to impart knowledge and provide exposures to construction project to enable the participants to learn modern construction techniques and management practices of infrastructure development projects such as roads, water resources structures, and buildings.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 20 – 31 March 2013
19 – 31 March 2014
Tuition Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar – Modern construction techniques and management of soil and concrete structures; contract management; monitoring work progress and construction quality control


Module II: Field Visit – Field visit sites will be selected such that the projects are relevant to the work and interest of the participants. Program at each construction site covers project presentation and discussion with the project engineer on construction techniques and management and then on-site studies. The program covers:

• Visit to roads and highway construction projects which techniques cover construction of base, sub-base, and pavements; field quality control; organization of works and work progress monitoring and evaluation systems; contract administration, etc.

• Visit to bridge and overpass construction sites where advanced construction techniques are being implemented such as  foundation construction, installation of pre-stress and post-tension concrete beams, post tension installation of factory-cast concrete elements, preparing for and utilization of factory-mixed high-strength concrete, etc.

• Visit to construction sites of water resources structures such as weirs, earth dam, and other hydraulic structures. The focus will be on modern construction techniques and management of the projects.

• Visit construction sites for office and school buildings where modern construction techniques are being utilized

Debriefing and discussions on lessons learned from the visits and making critical assessment of the observed techniques for adoption under the participants’ local conditions.


Training Title: ST 22: Construction and Maintenance Management of Rural Roads
Target Participants: Civil engineers, road maintenance engineers of local government offices.
Training Objectives: The course is designed to impart knowledge and provide exposures to the participants on various techniques for road construction and maintenance to enable them to select and apply the right techniques appropriate to their local conditions.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 22 April – 03 May 2013
21 April – 02 May 2014
Tuition Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar – Construction techniques for low volume roads; maintenance management information system; maintenance techniques for pave and unpaved roads.


Module II: Field Visits and On-site Studies

• Meet and discuss with local government engineers on route selection and design criteria; standard design for paved and unpaved roads; standard design for cross drainage structures such as culverts and bridges; construction and maintenance equipment; common problems on construction and maintenance of rural roads.

• Visit road construction sites, focus on low and medium volume road, for on-site studies of construction techniques for  earth works, pavement works,  and cross-drainage works; observe quality control management of construction works; labor-based road construction and maintenance.

• Field visit and on-site studies on maintenance works such as road surface maintenance techniques; maintenance crew and equipment management for maintenance and rehabilitation works; surface stabilization techniques for unpaved roads using amendments; restoration and maintenance of hill-side slope.

• Debriefing and discussions on problems and issues related to rural road construction and maintenance; discussions and exchange experiences on management practices in their countries; adoption of the observed techniques to their countries, etc.


Training Title: ST 23: Operation and Maintenance Management of Small-scale Irrigation Projects 
Target Participants: Agricultural, irrigation and water resources engineers, local government engineers, agricultural extension and rural development officials.
Training Objectives: The course is design to enhance knowledge of the participants on operation and maintenance management of small-scale irrigation systems and to expose them to various types of projects ownership and successful management styles.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 07 – 18 May 2013
06 – 17 May 2014
Training Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar – Types, ownership, strength, and limitation of small-scale irrigation projects; operation and maintenance techniques; beneficiaries’ participation in operation and maintenance management; development and management of small-scale irrigation system in Thailand.


Module II Field Visits and On-site Studies

• Visit to regional and provincial irrigation offices for briefing on small-scale   irrigation project development and O&M management process, problems and issue related to management transfer and sustainability of the project

• Visit to small scale irrigation projects with different types of headwork such as small dam, weir and pumping station; observe the system design and how the water is being distributed and used.

• In each project, meet the project officials and beneficiaries to discuss on the project objectives, ownership, responsibilities of the beneficiaries on operation and maintenance of the system, and the project performance as compared to the stated objectives, the ingredients for success and the reasons for shortcoming, etc.

• Visit successful community projects where management is totally done by the beneficiaries. Discuss with the project’s owner on management strategy and approaches to achieve the desired outcomes, O&M and water fee collections, establishment and management of water user group, the crops being irrigated and yield, etc.

• Debriefing and discussions on the lessons learned from the visits and critical assessment for adoption of the observed approaches and techniques.


Education and Training Topics 

Training Title: ST 31: Decentralized Education System Management
Target Participants: School principals and senior teachers, school district directors and administrators, school management committee and PTA members.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to give the participants some insight to the advantages, limitations and key success factors in implementing decentralized education system by comparing what are being practiced in the region and what they observed in Thailand.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 29 July – 07 August 2013
28 July – 08 August 2014
Tuition Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar – Decentralized education systems in the Asia and Pacific region: Background policy, strength, weakness and key success factors; development and management of decentralized education system and lessons learned from Thailand ‘s experiences.


Module II Field Visit

• Visit the Department of Basic Education to meet and discuss with the Thai education administrators on development strategies for basic, vocational and tertiary education; policy framework and organizational structures for basic education administration; problems and issues related to implementing the policy.

• Visit school district offices to meet and discuss with School District Directors on functions and responsibilities of the office in implementing the policy; views of teachers and parents on the policy; advantages and limitations of decentralized education; political interference in school management system, etc.

• Visit to primary and secondary schools to meet and discuss with the principals and teachers to listen to their views on the issues; roles and authorities of school management committee (SMC) and PTA on school management. Observe the school facilities, students, and learning environment

• Meet and discuss with members of school PTA members to solicit expectations from schools for their children; issues on decentralized education and their roles in helping school to achieve the desired quality.

• Debriefing and discussions on issues of decentralized education, advantages and limitations, key success factors, critical assessment by the group for adoption of relevant ideas and practices related to school management, etc.


Training Title: ST 32: School Quality Management Practices 
Target Participants: School principals and senior teachers, education district directors and administrators, school management committee and PTA members.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to give participants’ insight on educational philosophy and desired personality and academic quality needed to prepare the students for advanced education and to meet the challenges of the 21st century; the quality level Thailand is currently at and what the country has been doing to attain this.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 05 – 16 August 2013
04 – 15 August 2014
Tuition Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar – Preparing our children for the challenge of the 21st century; criteria for education standard; planning, implementing and management of education standard in Thailand.


Module II Field Visits

• Visit to the Department of Basic Education to meet and discuss with administrators on education system in Thailand ; development strategies for basic, vocational and tertiary education; policy on education quality standard and what is being implemented; problems and issues related to the policy.

• Visit to the Office of the National Education Standards and Quality Assessment (ONESQA) to meet and discuss with the Director on national policy on education standard and assessment criteria; criteria development and implementation management; school performance assessments; academic performance measurements and utilization for advanced education; problems and issues related to implementation of the policy.

• Visit to school district office. Meet and discuss with the Directors on school quality in their districts; factors influencing academic and school quality standards; strategies for improving standard of schools in the district; roles of school management committee and PTA on school performance improvement, etc.

• Visit to schools to meet the principals, teachers and members of school management committee (SMC) to discuss the level of the school performance as compared to the national standard; how the performance improvement strategies were developed and implemented; SMC supports and constraints of the effort.

• Debriefing and discussions of the school quality management; challenges and strategies to overcome those difficulties.


Training Title: ST 33: Vocational Education and Workforce Skills Training 
Target Participants: Vocational School Directors, senior teachers, senior labor department officials, human resources development planner, etc.
Training Objectives: The program is designed to give participants knowledge and exposures on vocational education and strategies for workforce skills planning and development needed to support industries and infrastructure development in their countries.
Training Duration: 2 weeks
Training Schedule: 19 – 30 August 2013
18 – 29 August 2014
Tuition Fee: US$1,800
Program Contents:
  Module I: Seminar – Workforce planning for industrial and entrepreneurial development; vocational education as supplier of industrial workforce; government’s program for skills development; entrepreneurial skill training by government and private sector.


Module II Field Visits

• Visit the Department of Skills Development, Ministry of Labor, to meet and discuss with officials regarding skilled workforce requirements in various sectors of industry; preferred quality of vocational school graduates; roles and activities of the Department in filling the gap not provided by vocational schools; management of skill development center under the Department.

• Visit the Department of Vocational Education to meet and discuss with the administration on vocational education system in Thailand , workforce planning through vocational education; problems and issues on skill development in schools;

• Visit Vocational Schools to meet the school directors to discuss educational programs in the school, workshop and other facilities for skill training; nature of employment and salaries after graduation, industry perception on quality of the graduates, etc.

• Visit Thai-German skills training center and regional centers under the Department of Skills Development. Meet the Centers’ Directors and trainers to discuss on training programs being offered, the trainee profile, costs of training and fee collected, etc.

• Visit training centers which programs focus on self-employed skills such as food preparation, handicraft making, small engines and motor cycle repair, etc.

• Debriefing and discussion on the lessons learned with emphasis on approaches and strategies for skill development that will support industries and self-employed activities.


Lists of international training courses offered in 2011 and 2012 are given below. Detailed contents of each topic are provided in the next section of this document. Those who are interested in customized courses can contact SPU-ICEC for further details.

Development Management Program

The program covers the following topics:


- Development Project Management

- Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation

- Strategic Planning Training Workshop

- Results-based Management

- Strategic Management of Human Capital

- Capacity Building for Organizational Development

- Supervisory Skills for Mid-career Managers

- Public Procurement and Contract Administration

- Strategic Management of Rural Poverty Alleviation

Infrastructure Engineering and Management Program

 The program covers the following topics:


- Construction Planning and Management

- Road and Bridge Maintenance Management

- Rural Infrastructure Development Planning and Management

- Pumping and Water Distribution System Design

Education and Training Program

The program covers the following topics:


- Training of Trainers

- Strategic Management of Training Centers

- Decentralized Education Management

- School Quality Management

Seminar Cum Study Visit Program


The program is designed to provide senior level officials and managers of development programs/projects with knowledge and exposures to the best practices of projects being implemented by government agencies, NGOs and private sector on the subject areas in which Thailand has been recognized as the leader. Besides learning on the project’s background, development policy and implementing strategies, the participants will have opportunities to meet project officials as well as the beneficiaries for in-depth discussions on problems and issues related to the project being visited.

During the trip, the participants will be accompanied by qualified resource persons who will facilitate learning and provide immediate clarifications on any key learning issues. All study visit programs will be organized in partnership with the project owners and responsible government agencies.

The program covers the following subject areas:


 Agricultural Topics

- Effective Agricultural Extension Practices

- Production and Marketing Management of Horticultural Crops

- Preservation/Processing of Fruits and Vegetables

- Sustainable Farming System for Small Landholders

- Small-scale Agribusiness Development and Management

 Rural Development Topics

- Rural Credit and Poverty Alleviation

- Development and Promotion of Rural Products

(Thailand’s One-Tambon-One-Product, OTOP)

- Community Health and Management Information System

- Participatory Rural Infrastructure Development and Management

Infrastructure Development and Management Topics

- Construction Techniques and Management Practices

- Construction and Maintenance Management of Rural Roads

- Operation and Maintenance Management of Small Scale Irrigation Projects

 Education and Training Topics

- Decentralized Education System Management

- School Quality Management Practices

- Vocational Education and Workforce Skills Training


Training Schedule

     Sripatum University (International Continuing EducationCenter)
Training Topics, Schedules and Fees for 2014


A. International Training Programs  


Training Topics

Duration Weeks





 Development Management Program

DM 01

Development Project Management


12 May – 31 May


DM 02

Results-based Monitoring and Evaluation


02 Jun – 20 Jun


DM 03

Strategic Planning Training Workshop


30 Jun – 11 Jul


DM 04

Result-based Management


21 Jul – 01 Aug


DM 05

Strategic Management of Human Capital


01 Sep – 19 Sep


DM 06

Capacity Building for Organizational Development


29 Sep – 17 Oct


DM 07

Supervisory Skills for Mid-career Managers


03 Nov – 14 Nov


DM 08

Strategic Management of Rural Poverty Alleviation


17 Nov – 04 Dec


DM 09

Public Procurement and Contract Administration


03 Feb – 14 Feb


Infrastructure Engineering and Management Program

IM 01

Construction Planning and Management


15 Sep – 03 Oct


IM 02

Road and Bridge Maintenance Management


20 Oct – 07 Nov


IM 03

Rural Infrastructure Development Planning and Management


08 Dec -26 Dec


IM 04

Pumping and Water Distribution Systems Design


10 Feb – 21 Feb


Education and Training Program

ET 01

Training of Trainers


06 Jan – 24 Jan


ET 02

Strategic Management of Training Centers


20 Jan – 07 Feb


ET 03

Decentralized Education Management


03 Mar – 21 Mar


ET 04

School Quality Management


16 Jun – 04 Jul


  1. Training fee covers tuition fee, cost of training materials, airport transfers, land transportation for scheduled field visits, and accident insurance. The fee does not cover accommodation and food costs.
  2. Tariff rate for accommodation is US$42 per room per day and inclusive of breakfast. A maximum of two persons can be accommodated in one room and share the cost.


B. Seminar Cum Study Visit Program  


Training Topics

Duration Weeks





Agriculture Topics
ST 01 Effective Agricultural Extension Practices


24 Feb – 07 Mar


ST 02 Production and Marketing Management of Horticultural Crops


16 Apr -27 Apr


ST 03 Preservation/Processing of Fruits and Vegetables


26 May – 06 Jun


ST 04 Sustainable Farming System for Small Landholders


16 Jun – 27 Jun


ST 05 Small-scale Agribusiness Development and Management


17 Nov – 28 Nov


Rural Development Topics
ST 11 Rural Credit and Poverty Alleviation


24 Mar – 04 Apr


ST 12 Development and Promotion of Rural Products (Thailand ‘s One-Tambon-One-Product, OTOP)


03 Nov – 14 Nov


ST 13 Community Health and Management Information System


15 Dec – 26 Dec


ST 14 Participatory Rural Infrastructure Development and Management


17 Feb – 28  Feb


Infrastructure Development and Management Topics
ST 21 Construction Techniques and Management Practices


19 Mar – 31 Mar


ST 22 Construction and Maintenance Management of Rural Roads


21 Apr – 02 May


ST 23 Operation and Maintenance Management of Small-scale Irrigation Projects


06 May – 17 May


Education and Training Topics
ST 31 Decentralized Education System Management


28 Jul – 09 Aug


ST 32 School Quality Management Practices


04 Aug – 15 Aug


ST 33 Vocational Education and Workforce Skills Training


18 Aug – 29 Aug


  1. Training fee covers tuition fee, cost of training materials, airport transfers, land transportation for scheduled field visits, and accident insurance. The fee does not cover accommodation and food cost.
  2. Tariff rate for accommodation is around US$42 per room per day and inclusive of breakfast. A maximum of two persons can be accommodated in one room and share the cost.


Course Syllabus

Development Management Program ไฟล์แนบ
Infrastructure Engineering and Management Program ไฟล์แนบ
Education and Training Program  ไฟล์แนบ
Seminar Cum Study Visit Program  ไฟล์แนบ

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