How can BM students prepare for applying master program ? Exams (Part 1)

How can BM students prepare for applying master program ? Exams (Part 1)
工商管理专业的本科生如何准备毕业后的硕士申请 - 考试篇(上)
If you would like to apply for a master program of business schools in western countries, besides your undergraduate transcript from SPU, normally you would be required to present one or two of the following exam score reports:
1. Language proficiency exam score report.
2. GMAT exam score report (required by universities in the U.S. and Singapore, but universities in other countries may not require it).
This article will give you some basic information about them, in Q&A format. Part 1 is about language proficiency exam.
1. 语言能力考试报告。
2. GMAT考试成绩单(美国和新加坡的大学要求此成绩,其他国家的大学不一定要求)。

Q1.1: Which language proficiency exam should I take?
A1.1: Most western universities accept both IELTS exam and TOEFL iBT exam. Generally, TOEFL is more welcome in North American, which IELTS is more welcome in Europe. Meanwhile, some universities would have preference for one over the other. you may check the website of the university that you are going to apply for.
Q1.2: Is the language proficiency exam paper-bases or computer-based?
A1.2: TOEFL iBT exam is a fully “internet based exam” since many years ago, means that you will complete all the “Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking” parts in the computer at the test center.
In contrast, traditionally IELTS exam is in paper format, even though they introduced the computer-based exam in recent years, but not every IELTS test center support computer-based exam. In Thailand, the IELTS test center that support computer-based exam include “IDP Education – Bangkok” and “British Council - Chamchuri Square”. But even though you take computer-based exam, the “Speaking” part will still be held in “face to face” format.
回答1.2:托福TOEFL iBT从很多年前开始就是完全网络考试,意味着考生将使用考场的电脑作答“阅读、听力、写作和口语”所有部分的测试。
与此相反地,雅思IELTS考试传统上采用纸质考卷,虽然近年来在部分雅思考场引进了电脑机考,但是并不是所有的雅思考场都支持电脑机考。在泰国的考场中,支持电脑的考场包括“IDP Education – Bangkok” 和 “British Council - Chamchuri Square”这两个考场。但是对于雅思考试来说,即便是电脑机考,口语部分仍然是以跟考官面对面的形式进行。

Q1.3: What time and how often are IELTS exam and TOEFL iBT Exam held?
A1.3: IELTS: in Bangkok normally four times per month, usually held on Thursday or Saturday. You can check the date on website “”.
TOEFL iBT: in Bangkok normally 3 times per month, usually held on Saturday. You can check the date on website: “”.
问题1.3:雅思IELTS考试和托福TOEFL iBT考试在什么时间举行?多久有一场考试?
托福TOEFL iBT考试:通常每个月在曼谷举办三场考试,通常是周六。查询具体时间“”.
Q1.4: How much should I pay for exam registration fees of IELTS and TOEFL iBT?
A1.4: IELTS: 6,900 THB. TOEFL iBT: around 6,139 THB (195 US$).
问题1.4:雅思IELTS考试和托福TOEFL iBT考试的考试注册费分别是多少?
回答1.4:雅思IELTS考试注册费6900泰铢,TOEFL iBT考试注册费6139大概泰铢(195美元)。
Q1.5: Any recommended materials for preparing for IELTS Exam and TOEFL iBT Exam?
A1.5: IELTS: “Cambridge IELTS 1-13” are the books that you must have, because these books contain the authentic questions from the previous IELTS exams.
TOEFL iBT: “The Official Guide to TOEFL”, “Official TOEFL iBT Tests”, “KAPLAN TOEFL iBT Prep Plus” “TOEFL Practice Online”.
托福TOEFL iBT:”The Official Guide to TOEFL”, “Official TOEFL iBT Tests”, “KAPLAN TOEFL iBT Prep Plus” “TOEFL Practice Online”。
In Part 2 we will introduce the GMAT exam that most universities in the U.S. and Singapore set as a requirement

By: Mr. Lin Weidong (Lecturer)