SPUIC Chinese Students the topic: “How Thai Primary School Operate in Education”.
SPUIC Chinese Students
from Tongren presschool education college
贵州省“千人海外留学计划” 铜仁幼儿师范高等专科学校赴泰国斯巴顿大学交换生项目 joined an activity at Sukruthai School Thailand on the topic: “How Thai Primary School Operate in Education”.
SPUIC exchange students from Tongren presschool education college
贵州省“千人海外留学计划” 铜仁幼儿师范高等专科学校赴泰国斯巴顿大学交换生项目
Republic of China, develop knowledge and skills in Thai valuable education system and social potential, as well as join the fun activities with students at Sukruthai School Thailand.