Student of Providence University Taiwan Join English Camp

Student of Providence University Taiwan Join English Camp

Sripatum University welcomed a group of students from Providence University, Taiwan, who participate in the program of “4 week English Camp in Thailand with SripatumUniversity”. The program is scheduled from 18 January - 12 February 2016. The orientation was organized for the students to get to know the campus facilities, the program detail, as well as the necessary information that is needed to be living in the country. On this occasion, Assistant to the President for International Affairs – Mrs. ChindaTejavaniaja Chang and Director of Sripatum International Institute of Languages and Cultures – Dr. WarapornThaima gave warm welcome and advisory speech to the students.During the orientation, not only students were introduced to the campus, faculty members& staff, but also they were introduced to Thai students who can offer them the cultural exchange activities throughout the program. The English camp at Sriatpum University aims to provide international students with great time of learning English as well as the opportunity to experience the benefits of cultural exchange. The main activities include English lessons, Thai language & culture class, Cultural tours and corporate visits.