SPU Say Hi to ASEAN The Celebration of the Beginning of ASEAN Integration

SPU Say Hi to ASEAN The Celebration of the Beginning of ASEAN Integration

Sripatum University took the first initiative step among higher education institutes in Thailand to officially welcome ASEAN Integration with the spectacular event entitled SPU Say Hi to ASEAN on Feb 10. 2016. The event was joined by Ambassadors and High Rank officers from Embassies of ASEAN member states in Thailand welcomed by the President of Sripatum University; Dr. Rutchaneeporn P. Phukkamarn and the Chairperson of the Organizing Committee – Assistant to the President for International Affairs; Mrs. Chinda Tejavanija Chang. Official Opening Ceremony was presided over by Deputy Director General – Ms. Phasporn Sangasubana, from the Department of ASEAN Affairs – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who also delivered the very interesting Keynote Speech entitled “ASEAN Community and the Enhancement of the 21st Century Skills for the Youth”. The event was a great success with the Flag Installation Ceremony of the ten Member states and ASEAN by the Deans of SPU, cultural performances by SPU students, Exhibition Booths of food and information of the ten ASEAN member states.